
Clip, TV Spot and Gorgeous BEING HUMAN Pics Tease the Series Finale

Being Human 413 glam shot wide

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. A quote that’s been ascribed to more than one famous person, it’s an excellent sentiment and one that I try to embrace every time one of my shows airs its series finale. Being Human has been on my very short ‘A List’ since its premiere, and while I hate to see it go, I celebrate that we were shown four excellent seasons of TV, and that it was given the opportunity to plan its finale.

Here to help us prepare, and celebrate, are screenshots, a TV spot, and a clip from tonight’s Being Human series finale:

Being Human 413 glam shotBeing Human 413 001Being Human 413 002 NoraBeing Human 413 003 JoshBeing Human 413 004 NoraBeing Human 413 005 Aidan SallyBeing Human 413 006 flyingBeing Human 413 007 SallyBeing Human 413 008 NoraBeing Human 413 009 AidanBeing Human 413 010 diner

TV Spot: Being Human – 413 Preview

Clip: Being Human – 413 Sneak Peek

Thanks so much to everyone involved in the four seasons of excellence that was Being Human.

Being Human, starring Sam WitwerMeaghan RathSam Huntington, and Kristen Hager, airs its series finale tonight, April 7, at 9/8c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com