
CHUCK: New Season Three Spoilers!

Okay, I warned you in the title of this article that there are indeed juicy spoilers for this next season of NBC’s “Chuck”.  If you keep on reading, you were warned!!  Here’s what Michael Ausiello had to say about the first three episodes of the new season of “Chuck”:

Episode 1 (Jan. 10 @ 9 p.m. ET)
* A recurring character dies.
* We learn that a recurring character is a closeted Wilson Phillips fan.
* The first two items may be connected.
* The action picks up *** months later.
* Shockingly, there’s not a Subway 6-inch in sight.

Episode 2 (Jan. 10 @ 10 p.m. ET)
* Sarah’s spy buddy Carina returns.
* We catch a rare glimpse of Morgan’s huge **e**e* collection.
* Morgan has *e**** **t********!
* Shockingly, there’s not a Subway 6-inch in sight.

Episode 3 (Jan. 11 @ 8 p.m. ET)
* Big episode for Ryan McPartlin’s Awesome.
* An even bigger episode for Ryan McPartlin’s awesome chest, abs, and biceps.
* Shockingly, there’s not a Subway 6-inch in sight.

“Chuck”s season three premieres on January 10th with a two-hour episode!

[Source] EW

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!