
Chloë Sevigny Talks to SciFi Mafia, Plus Featurettes and More From AMERICAN HORROR STORY: ASYLUM

If you’re not caught up with American Horror Story: Asylum, we shake our heads sorrowfully at you. Sorry, we don’t judge here at SciFi Mafia, but please just get on that as soon as possible, you’re really missing out. We have one featurette that you can watch without being spoiled about any major plot points that you may have not yet seen, and we present that to you now:

Per FX, this featurette will remain live until November 13:

Featurette: American Horror Story Asylum – Inside the Asylum: Costumes

Now for the rest of you: well done! You have the excellent taste and life scheduling and prioritizing skills that have earned you the right to say that you are caught up and ready for tonight’s new episode. To you we present our talk with Chloë Sevigny, a featurette about last week’s episode, and a TV spot for tonight’s new episode. Enjoy!

American Horror Story: Asylum has done an excellent job in bringing the crazy every week so far, and last week was no exception. Poor Shelley. Trying to help her friends escape ended in a far greater nightmare than she was already living. Chloë Sevigny, who plays the unfortunate Shelley, participated in a Q&A session last week, and SciFi Mafia got a few questions in about those intense scenes, Shelley’s future, and Ryan Murphy:

SciFiMafia.com: Thanks so much for talking to us today, Chloë, really appreciate it. I so love the show and you’ve done such a terrific job with it so far. What an excellent episode for you last night. It was perfect and you so beautifully inhabit this character. Is it easy to shake off the intensity of those scenes?

C. Sevigny Yes,[laughing] a stiff drink at the end of the day really helps.

SciFiMafia.com: I bet. Is the atmosphere pretty much maintained for every take, or is it everybody just kind of shakes it off and then dives back in again?

C. Sevigny It depends on who you’re working with. I remember … was very, it was very light in between and with James [Cromwell, who plays Dr. Arden], it’s been pretty intense, so I think it depends on the actor and how they work. Me being strapped onto the gurney, I think that maintains a certain something. I have my arms and my legs strapped down, so I couldn’t do a lot of movement. I had to have the art department tucking blankets around me in between each take, and my favorite PA like giving me water, feeding me water through a straw like an invalid. So it was like, yes, that was difficult, but that kind of keeps you in the scene.

SciFiMafia.com: And I understand it’s going to get worse for “Shelley” before …. Anything else you can tell us about that or is it all under wraps?

C. Sevigny I guess it’s kind of under wraps, but yes, he transforms her into something else.

SciFiMafia.com Oh Lord, I am so sorry.

I know you’ve said before that you were pleased to hear from a friend who worked on Season 1 that Ryan Murphy was really hands-on. Was he as hands-on as you expected in this season?

C. Sevigny Was he as much, yes, he came to the set a bunch and I think he is very much so like behind the scenes, every outfit, every hairdo, everything. We always have to send photos to Ryan and make sure he approves, or if we want to change a line a little bit, it always had to go by him. So yes, every decision kind of goes through him. If we had trouble with a scene, he would come to the set and help us block it and figure out—always make it more interesting or make it work. I don’t know how he does it, shooting three shows at the same time. That guy has more energy than anyone I know, but yes, he was really present.

SciFiMafia.com: Did it slow down production at all to have to wait like that?

C. Sevigny Not that I can recall ever, no, I think they plan it all out in advance, especially like the makeup and the wardrobe and those kind of decisions .… They give time for him to see it and approve first.

We love all of that behind-the-scenes info, thanks so much to Chloë Sevigny for the peek. And oh dear, it is not looking good for Shelley. By the way, yes, Jessica Lange really did shave Chloë Sevigny‘s head in the pilot. She said that she had worn her hair that way when she was younger, so was used to the look, though she didn’t like it as well this time around.

Here is more great behind-the-scenes info, this time in the form of a featurette:

Per FX, this featurette will remain live until November 13.

Featurette: American Horror Story Asylum – Inside the Asylum: Nor’easter

And get ready, there is more excellent freakiness to come:

Per FX, this TV spot will remain live until November 9:

TV Spot: American Horror Story Asylum – I Am Anne Frank, Part 1

American Horror Story: Asylum, starring Jessica LangeZachary QuintoEvan PetersSarah PaulsonLily RabeChloë SevignyJames CromwellJoseph FiennesAdam LevineLizzie BrocheréBritne OldfordMark ConsuelosClea DuVall, and Jenna Dewan, airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on FX.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com