
Check Out This Teaser Trailer and Pictures for The Muppets Sequel MUPPETS MOST WANTED

Muppets Most Wanted wide

Besides the fact that my kids loved it, The Muppets movie was so much fun for me to watch, probably because I watched an excessive bit of the Muppets when I was younger. Now the sequel, Muppets Most Wanted, is upon us and it promises to be better than the first. That’s setting the bar pretty high, if you ask me. Take a look at the teaser trailer and the pics and let us know what you think.

Teaser Trailer: Muppets Most Wanted

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Muppets Most Wanted starring Tom Hiddleston, Tina Fey, Christoph Waltz, Debbie Ryan, Ross Lynch, Ricky Gervais, Danny Trejo, Ray Liotta, Ty Burrell, Frank Langella, Usher, and Sean Combs is slated to hit theaters March 21, 2014.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com