
Check Out the Latest Trailer for TURBO


For a garden snail like Turbo, slow and steady just isn’t going to cut it. This snail has a need for speed, and one day a freak accident makes super speed possible for this little guy. Ryan Reynolds is the voice for Turbo in this fast and furious Dreamworks film. Check out the latest trailer for Turbo.

Trailer: Turbo – Official Trailer #2

Snail vs race cars? Talk about the ultimate underdog movie.

Turbo featuring the voices of Ryan Reynolds, Paul Giamatti, Michael Peña, Luis Guzmán, Bill Hader, Ken Jeong, Michelle Rodriguez, Maya RudolphSnoop Dogg, and Samuel L. Jackson is slated to hit theaters July 17th.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com