
Character List Revealed for Season 3 of GAME OF THRONES

As all Game of Thrones fans know, the Season 2 finale is this Sunday. Happily, however, information is already being released about Season 3. Showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss have reportedly been besieged – sorry – with questions about just which characters from the next book in the George R.R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series will be included, especially given that A Storm of Swords will be split over the next two seasons.

Wonder no more – well, wonder less, anyway, as they gave at least a partial list to EW:

– Mance Rayder: We’ve heard about him all season. A former member of the Night’s Watch who became the “King Beyond the Wall,” the leader of the Wildlings.
– Daario Naharis: A confident and seductive warrior.
– Jojen Reed; Meera Reed: A teenage brother and sister duo with special insights.
– Edmure Tully: A brash young member of the Tully family.
– Ser Brynden Tully (The Blackfish): Catelyn Stark’s uncle.
– Lady Selyse Florent: Stannis Baratheon’s wife.
– Shireen: Stannis’ daughter.
– Olenna Redwyne (The Queen of Thorns): Margaery Tyrell’s sharp-witted grandmother.
– Beric Dondarrion: A skilled knight who is the leader of the outlaw group Brotherhood Without Banners.
– Thoros of Myr: A red priest who follows the same religion as Melisandre.
– Tormund Giantsbane: A Wildling raider.

“And a few others…holy hell that’s a lot of new faces.” Benioff also confirmed that Jojen and Meera Reed haven’t been written out, but that they are trying to be mindful of fans of the show who have never read the books. “(W)e try to be parsimonious about how many new roles we introduce to the story and when we introduce them.”

Thank goodness. No word on any casting, but we will of course keep you posted.

Game of Thrones, starring starring Gethin AnthonyPeter DinklageEmilia ClarkeLena HeadeyKit HaringtonRichard MaddenJack GleesonNikolaj Coster-WaldauSophie Turner, and Maisie Williams, airs Sundays at 9/8c on HBO.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com