
Category "News"

New Official AVATAR Concept Art!

New Official AVATAR Concept Art!

The fine folks at Marketsaw picked up some Official Concept Art from James Cameron's 'Avatar'. The went so far as to contact Fox prior to releasing these images on their site and thankfully Fox said yes and we all get [...]

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Favreau & Rourke Talk Iron Man 2

Favreau & Rourke Talk Iron Man 2

Empire visited the set of Iron Man 2 recently and while they are not releasing any details until their July issue, they have published some quotes from Iron Man 2 director Jon Favreau and Mickey Rourke. "Tony's expected to be a [...]

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Lara Croft Coming Back to the Big Screen

Lara Croft Coming Back to the Big Screen

According to producer Dan Lin, We will  see a third "Raider" flick in the near future. Lin, who executive produced "Terminator Salvation," recently stated a "Lara Croft" reboot is already in the works: "Yeah, we're rebooting Lara Croft as well. Really [...]

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Toy Story 3 Teaser Trailer!

Toy Story 3 Teaser Trailer!

Entertainment Tonight has aired a look at the teaser for Toy Story 3 that will be showing in theaters this weekend with digital and digital 3D screenings of Disney/Pixar’s Up. The audio and video quality aren’t the greatest, but they [...]

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Tony Stark Joins the Air Force

Tony Stark Joins the Air Force

The U.S. Air Force released two images on Wednesday of Iron Man 2 director Jon Favreau and star Robert Downey Jr. at Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California, where the superhero sequel shot earlier this month. Scenes from Iron [...]

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Alien Remake In the Works

Alien Remake In the Works

In April it was revealed that director Ridley Scott is "toying around with the idea" of doing a Alien prequel or reboot. Bloody Disgusting's sources claim that Michael Costigan, Ridley Scott and even Tony Scott are all on board to [...]

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Zachary Quinto and the Bordeaux Project

Zachary Quinto and the Bordeaux Project

The Bordeaux project is a short film, created using almost 15,000 digital still photos and no video footage, it was screened with dozens of other "Happy New Year" shorts in Bordeaux, France on December 31st, 2008, as an introduction to [...]

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