
Captain America: The First Avenger, The Shameless Promotion Begins

We all knew it was coming. Every superhero movie gets his or her fair share of random promotions, usually from companies that said hero would not approve of in the first place. Dunkin’ Donuts and Captain America: The First Avenger have joined forces to fight childhood obesity get everyone excited about the upcoming film.

Along with star-shaped sugary treats (say that 5 times fast) and a plethora of caffeinated beverages there is a strange and dangerously refreshing-looking concoction called a Captain America Coolatta that I foresee in my future.


Brandon Johnston
Written by Brandon Johnston

Brandon is a Reporter, Critic, Tornado Alley Correspondent, Technomancer, and Book Department Editor for SciFi Mafia®. When he's not writing for SciFi Mafia®, he's busy being a dad, a novelist, and a man with more hobbies and interests than is healthy for any one person to have.