
BREAKING NEWS: Star Wars: Episode VII Writer Announced

And it’s the real thing, kids. No less a source than the official Star Wars site has announced that the writer for Star Wars: Episode VII – and yes, that’s how they’re writing it now, not the “7” of the initial press release – has been confirmed:


November 09, 2012
As pre-production of Star Wars: Episode VII begins, Lucasfilm has confirmed that award-winning writer Michael Arndt will write the screenplay for the new Star Wars film. As revealed in the ongoing video series posted here on StarWars.com, Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas have begun story conferences with Arndt. Arndt won an Academy Award® for Best Original Screenplay for writing Little Miss Sunshine (2006), and was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay for writing Toy Story 3 (2010).

Well, not exactly; his name wasn’t mentioned in the video we posted earlier today, and in fact Kathleen Kennedy says “a couple of writers.” But that’s okay. Deadline had reported that Arndt had written a treatment for all three up the upcoming announced Star Wars movies, but this announcement locks it, at least for Episode VII. Congratulations to Mr. Arndt, and may the… well, you know.

Star Wars: Episode VII is targeted for release in 2015.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com