
Book Review: Snowpiercer 2: The Explorers

snowpiercer 2Author: Jacques Lob and Benjamin Legrand

Artist: Jean-Marc Rochette

Hardcover: 140 pages

Publisher: Titan Comics

ISBN-10: 1782761365
ISBN-13: 978-1782761365

Snowpiercer Vol.2 is the second volume of the enthralling and thought-provoking post-apocalyptic graphic novel series that inspired the critically acclaimed movie starring Chris Evans (Captain America/Fantastic Four). Originally published in French, this marks the first time that Snowpiercer will be available in English.

In a harsh, uncompromisingly cold future where Earth has succumbed to treacherously low temperatures, the last remaining members of humanity travel on a train known as Snowpiercer while the outside world remains encased in ice.

The occupants aboard the Snowpiercer believed themselves to be the last humans alive, yet they soon learn that they are not alone. There is another train that could potentially spell destruction for the passengers of the Snowpiercer as it carves a trail through the endlessly freezing terrain.

This second train houses a small band of people that are willing to brave the relentless cold in search of the truth and discover what is left of the world by any means necessary.

If you’re just tuning in, this, Snowpiercer 2: The Explorers, is the review of the second (actually second and third, but I’ll get to that later) installment of the graphic novel Snowpiercer, which inspired a movie starring Chris Evans (Captain America). You can read our review of the first installment here, and you can check out our coverage for the movie adaptation here. I’ll try and keep it light on spoilers for the first installment, but this is a review for the sequel, so read on at your own risk.

This second volume actually contains a third volume, Snowpiercer 3: The Crossing, but there is no mention of this on either the front or back covers. For the sake of this review I’m going to review them as a single unit because that’s how they’re being marketed, but just know that you are essentially getting two books in one.

Now that all that is out of the way, Snowpiercer 2: The Explorers maintains the same black and white artwork that was featured in the first volume. In a world that has been blanketed in snow and ice a grayscale theme in the book is completely fitting for how bleak the world is.

I mentioned in my review of Snowpiercer that I felt that the story was a little disjointed, which might be due to the translation from French to English (these volumes are the first time they have been printed in English) and I feel that about this volume too. There is just something about the story that doesn’t flow properly from page to page. It’s not unreadable by any means. It’s just a little distracting.

The first book followed the Snowpiercer, which is what that first train was named, and we were left with the impression as readers that the Snowpiercer contained all that was left of humanity. In Snowpiercer 2: The Explorers, we discover that there is another train, the Icebreaker, which is following them, aware of them, and constantly concerned that it may crash into them.

What I liked about Snowpiercer 2: The Explorers was that it showed how life was both the same and different on another train, plus this train is taken (in Snowpiercer 3: The Crossing) on its own heartbreaking adventure off the tracks. What I wish had been covered was more back story on how things got to be the way they were, but I can still hold hope that a sequel may/might emerge.

I give Snowpiercer 2: The Explorers Four Out of Five Stars.




Snowpiercer is available for pre-order from Amazon! Here’s a link!

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com