
Book Review: Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol

Chronos-Commandos-CoverAuthor: Stuart Jennett

Hardcover: 120 pages

Publisher: Titan Comics

ISBN-10: 1782760067
ISBN-13: 978-1782760061

When the Allies and Nazis develop time-diving technology that could see the course of the Second World War derailed by creatures from the Cretaceous, only the Sarge and his band of misfit soldiers can save the future – by saving history!

Dinosaurs! Giant crocodiles! Time travel! Nazis! Albert Einstein with a machinegun! All that barely scratches the surface of this astounding, fully-painted pulp spectacular!

I go into hills of loving books, reading with ferocity and devouring book after book, then I hit a book that really slows me down and takes me into a valley where I just cannot get into the world of the book. If you happen to be in one of those valleys, Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol will most certainly pull you out. If you’re just looking for a rocking good read, then Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol is the book for you. It’s really a book for all occasions.

It’s hard to get past the quote from Ain’t it Cool, “Sound of Thunder meets Inglourious Basterds” because it’s so very Inglourious Basterds. It’s in the same vein of humor and it is brilliant.

The book follows both the Nazis and the Allies back in time and not only do they have to face each other, but they’ve got dinosaurs and giant crocodiles just waiting to take them out regardless of allegiance. Yeah, y’all, Allies fighting Nazis fighting dinosaurs. Just let that sink in.

That much all by itself is a great read, but then you add back in the time travel and it gets all Doctor Who with crossed timeline goodness added. And who better to be running the time traveling shenanigans (besides Doctor Who) but the Professor who bears a striking resemblance to Albert Einstein which gets taken to the next level of awesome when the Professor wields a machine gun.

I’ve been reading a lot of black and white graphic novels recently and I get why they’re done that way, and it makes sense. The color in Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol is just so beautiful and vibrant that it was a welcome feast for my eyes after so much grayscale. And you can guess that with all the violence from dino carnage, you’ll be getting some fancily colored guts.

If it wasn’t obvious that I adored the story, adored the theme and the loved the characters, my favorite part of the comic itself is its varying use of the close up of the eyeball. I just love it when a comic artist goes beyond showing me just a scene and shows me things I don’t see all the time, like varying emotions in an eyeball.

I give Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol Five Out of Five Stars.




Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol is available for pre-order from Amazon! Here’s a link!

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com