
Best Lines Featurette, Clips and More From WAREHOUSE 13

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It was so nice having Warehouse 13 back in our living rooms last week, and the premiere did a nice job of setting up some future story lines. They dealt well with the death of Lena, a theme that will understandably continue this week,  gently and respectfully. There were of course a number of one-liners, most delivered by Pete, and they have been gathered here for your amusement:

Featurette: Warehouse 13 – Best Lines From “The Living and the Dead”

Yes! They included my favorite, the vampire line, a lovely thing coming from the lips of a Buffy/Angel grad, and I loved Pete’s line after. Eddie McClintock gets so many comments about how much he looks like David Boreanaz that I was hoping we’d get some “you look familiar” reference from James Marsters. Ah well, probably too obscure.

Warehouse 13 is not a constant chucklefest, however, as any fan can tell you and as you can see in the TV spot and clips for tonight’s new episode, below:

TV Spot: Warehouse 13 – Next Episode: Parks and Rehabilitation

Clip: Warehouse 13 – Demand the Artifact: Parks and Rehabilitation

Clip: Warehouse 13 – Sneak Peek: Parks and Rehabilitation

Warehouse 13, starring Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly, Saul Rubinek, Allison Scagliotti, and Aaron Ashmore, airs Mondays at 10/9c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com