
BEING HUMAN’s Sam Huntington Talks About Werewolves and FACE OFF

Sam Huntington, who plays werewolf Josh on Syfy‘s Being Human, will be appearing as a judge on this week’s edition of special effects makeup competition show Face Off. He took some time off last week to talk with the press about both shows, and we jumped at the opportunity, not only because we love both shows, but because he is such a great interview.

NoReruns.net asked Sam to talk about what he actually did on the upcoming episode of Face Off.

Sam Huntington: I had a lot of fun watching, I judge a Foundation Challenge which is the first challenge of the episode. It basically grants immunity to one of the contestants and puts unfortunately a couple in the bottom. So yes, that was my role and I think what I was able to bring to it is, like Brenda said in the introduction I obviously play a werewolf on television, have worn a tremendous amount of effects makeup in the past and not just Being Human, but on previous work that I’ve done. So yes, so it was a really cool experience. I watch a lot of reality TV when I can and so it was neat to kind of, play a different role. as not an actor, but yourself judging something that I felt pretty close to. So.

So far most of the episodes of this season of Face Off have had one challenge per episode, but this week is different. He’s judging a Foundation Challenge, which occurs near the beginning of the episode and has a very very short deadline. “These contestants were able to perform these amazing makeups in like an hour and a half I think is what they had, which was so impressive.”

SciFiVision asked him how he got involved with Face Off:

Sam Huntington: We had an event, it was last March I believe at the Paley Center in New York. It was a sci-fi up front and like then we had a panel and we screened an episode of a show and it was a big to-do. And I had been thinking before that first of all how cool the show Face Off is, I really enjoy it because I’ve done so much prosthetic makeup. But also that I might be able to – it might be kind of a cool cross promotion and that I think it would be cool to be on the show.

So I talked to the president of production, Mark Stern, at the Paley Center in New York and I just suggested it to him. I said, “It’d be really cool if I could maybe do an episode of that Face Off show. I think it would be really, really fun and hopefully I’d be, both shows to benefit.” And he immediately was like, “Oh yes, that’s a great idea.”

And so, as so many of these things go, you kind of forget about it. I made the suggestion and I was like, “Oh, maybe it’ll happen.” And then sure enough, Syfy followed through with it and then created this Foundation Challenge. Kind of tailor made it to what I know, as far as makeup and so yes, the rest is history.

SciFi Mafia then had a chance to ask him about a quote he gave to SFX Magazine recently, that the werewolf transformation effects have become more streamlined and more CG.

Sam Huntington: Yes, I think, last year they kind of came to the realization that they couldn’t afford to lose me for six hours on end during the work day, one; and, two, that was lucky for me because it damn near killed me every time they did it. So I think because of that and because of technology is so fantastic, they decided to supplement the FX makeup more so this season with CG. The good news is – the good news all around – I mean, one, it means less time in the makeup chair for me; but, two, I think it really looks bad ass. I mean, I’ve seen quite a bit of it now — it looks really, really, really good. I think the viewers have seen some of it too, in Episode 1 and 2.

SciFi Mafia: Right.

Sam Huntington: The other thing I think they realized is when they do put me in the makeup, they don’t always need to show my whole body. For instance, a lot of times, they’ll just show my chest bursting or they’ll just show the claws and the fangs descend or they’ll just see my face darkening. So they don’t have to go full with it every time which once again has been a real saving grace for me this year.

SciFi Mafia: Yes, I bet.

Sam Huntington: Yes, well the cool thing is it doesn’t sacrifice any of the awesomeness of werewolf effects, you know.

SciFi Mafia: Well, yes. So far they’ve been great. I would not have known there was any difference had I not seen that in the magazine.

Sam Huntington: Yes.

SciFi Mafia: So yes, terrific job. What kind of effects do you most like to see as a fan versus what kind of effects are the most fun and the most difficult to work with as an actor?

Sam Huntington: Well, the funny thing is I think those two things go hand in hand. I think the things that I like to see are often times the more difficult things to achieve. you look at a movie like Pan’s Labyrinth where there’s so much practical makeup and it’s so effective.

And I’m a traditionalist. I go back to, movies like Star Wars and, ET and some of those great, practical – really ET‘s a great example because then they tried to make it better by adding CG, 20 years later and it just screams at you that it’s (fake) whereas when you see the puppet, it’s you believe it’s ET. You believe it’s a real thing, a thing with a heart and soul.

SciFi Mafia: Right.

Sam Huntington: So the funny thing is I’m definitely more a fan of practical makeup and puppetry than I am of CG, but I think when you’re on a budget and you’re flying through a TV show, it only makes sense to use CG and to hire the best people for the job. So I think we’ve done that.

SciFi Mafia: Great, well like I said, it really has been terrific this season, and of course a great show as always. Thanks so much.

Sam Huntington: Thank you so much.

Thanks again to Sam Huntington and Syfy for talking with us about Being Human and Face Off.

Being Human airs Mondays at 9/8c on Syfy.

Face Off airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com