
Being Human’s Ghost and Witch Chat Up Tonight’s Excellent Season Finale

Being Human s3 Donna Sally wide

Do not miss this season finale. And if you’ve missed any episodes this season, don’t miss those either. This has been the most cohesive, strongest, absolutely best season of Syfy‘s Being Human on every level (where is that new season pickup, Syfy?) and the finale does not disappoint.

It’s a perfect balance of all the best aspects of the show: the tangible cast chemistry, the sharp dialogue, the humor amidst stress, the monsters, and of course, those gasp-worthy moments…

Unfortunately the TV spot and clip for tonight’s episode are totally spoilery, but here are the first four minutes, the quiet start of a rockin’ finale:

Clip: Being Human – First Four: Season 3 Finale

Meaghan Rath, our ghost Sally, and Amy Aquino, the guest witch, took some time to speak with the media just before last week’s episode that featured their big battle. You’ll see that they’re trying to be coy about what happens, since at that time it hadn’t yet aired.

Aquino was familiar to most of us for any one of a number of guest appearances on a variety of shows and movies over the years, but had never been in a sci-fi production before, so I was interested in that aspect of her experience, as well as whatever they were willing to share about the last two episodes:

SciFiMafia.com: What can you tell us about what we have to look forward to in the final episodes?

Meaghan Rath: Well I mean I think it’s pretty obvious to everybody that things are coming to a head right now, especially for Sally. She’s made this decision that she’s going to let herself die and decompose.

And next week’s episode [last week’s]  — that does happen. And she’s forced to go through Donna’s door and face her. So there’s a big showdown. And more people are involved than you think. A lot of people are involved.

Amy Aquino: And it was a lot of fun for me as Donna to be able to involved with so many really cool people. I’ll put it that way.

SciFiMafia.com: Amy you haven’t done much genre work before have you? I don’t remember seeing you in any other genre shows. You do exquisitely well playing “creepy,” by the way.

Being Human s3 Amy AquinoAmy Aquino: Thank you. That’s such a compliment. I’ve spent most of my career, you know, playing judges who tell people to go to hell. And now I actually get to send them there. It’s such – so much fun. It really is.

Meaghan Rath: No, we love Amy. We just love the whole witch element on the show. And Amy does such a great job. So it’s such a pleasure to have her.

Amy Aquino: Oh, thanks. It’s truly been a delight working on [the show]. You know, I was not entirely sure. You know, I’m not a genre person just in terms of my own consumption nor in my career. So I wasn’t quite sure what to expect and what I found were just tremendous great professional sweet really talented people who really give a crap and you know, just give it 100%.

So it’s been truly – it’s been professionally rewarding and it’s also been so much fun. These guys are so funny and so sweet. It’s really been delightful.

The two were also asked how they liked working together:

Amy Aquino: Just hated it.

Meaghan Rath: It was the worst. What’s funny is that, you know, Sally and Donna’s story is intertwined and it has been the entire season. But Amy and I didn’t really get a chance to work together until the end of the season just because when I was brought back from the dead that was Josh and Nora who were really dealing with Donna and she sort of became this I mean it was a – she was definitely a presence in Sally’s story but without ever really having that many scenes together.

So it was only at the end of the season that we got to come together. But I had a great time. And, you know, we might not have seen the last of Donna, which I’m really excited about, because I’d love to work with Amy some more.

Amy Aquino: You know; it’s mutual. I’ve done a lot of guest starring on shows. That’s how I make my living. And you just never know how, especially when it’s a tight cast that’s been together for a long time, you don’t know how you’re going to be accepted. And I could not have been more warmly received by everybody. And, you know, and obviously including Meaghan we have just had a great time. We have a very similar sense of humor. We approached it very much the same way, and we had to get very close in certain ways.

But she’s right; I mean, it’s kind of fun going back and watching some of the episodes and I finally see and her and I’m like whoa you cleaned up good, because it’s the first time we had a conversation even though I’ve been kind of manhandling her body for a while.

We will see if we get to develop that further, because Donna’s a lonely girl. It’s hard. She does not have this whole kind of Wiccan thing. She doesn’t have any coven. She’s like all on her own in a soup kitchen.

So I’m sure she would like to have company – and she sees I think in Sally this fire and this spark and intelligence and courage that she admires and probably wants to kind of keep her around — stay close to her. So we’ll see. I don’t know. Anything can happen in this damn show.

Meaghan Rath: We will see.

Oooo! Here’s hoping. Amy Aquino was an excellent addition to an excellent season. Thanks to Ms. Aquino and to Meaghan Rath for taking the time to talk with us, and thanks to everyone involved in the production of one of my favorite shows, for the best season yet. Let’s go for four, shall we, Syfy?

Being Human, starring Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, and Kristen Hager, airs its Season 3 finale TONIGHT, April 8 at 9/8c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com