
Behold the New Trailer for the CARRIE Remake


This new trailer for the adaptation of Stephen King’s novel Carrie looks like it has real potential, and this is coming from someone who loved loved loved the book and the 1976 movie with Sissy Spacek. Yes, I know remakes have been made since then and none have impressed me like this trailer has.

Chloë Moretz (Kick Ass, Dark Shadows) really looks like she’s going to tackle the amazing role of Carrie and is going to do it complete justice, though I think she is already being out-shined by Julianne Moore (Hannibal, Magnolia) who is playing Margaret White, Carrie’s mother.  Wow, she’s really bringing the crazy to the party, as well she should be.

Check out this awesome trailer!

Trailer: Carrie (2013) – Official #1

Can’t wait!

Carrie starring Chloë Moretz and Julianne Moore is slated to hit theaters October 18th 2013.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com