
Behold the Cinema Con Trailer for THE WOLVERINE


This trailer for Marvel’s The Wolverine that was shown at Cinema Con is light on spoken words (meaning there are none), but it is heavy in action and metal scraping metal sound effects. It’s a great taste of the action. Feast your eyes!

Trailer: The Wolverine – Cinema Con

Don’t forget. If you have questions for Hugh Jackman about The Wolverine, you can tweet him tomorrow. Click here for more details.

The Wolverine, starring Hugh JackmanTao OkamotoRila FukushimaSvetlana Khodchenkova, Will Yun LeeBrian TeeHiroyuki Sanada and Hal Yamanouchi, is slated to hit theaters on July 26th, 2013.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com