
Behind the Scenes Clip of Sookie and Alcide from TRUE BLOOD Season 5

It’s so good to see Sookie and Alcide again, and their topic of discussion just confirms what all the True Blood Season 5 publicity had hinted at, if not coming straight out and telling us. Remember what it said in that first Season 5 TV spot?  “In Bon Temps, nothing buried stays buried”?


#WaitingSucks less with a taste of an exclusive True Blood Season 5 scene. Head to HBO GO now to see an extended version of this video. HBO GO is free with your subscription through participating TV providers. http://itsh.bo/HmE7Ff . Season 5 of “True Blood” premieres Sunday, June 10th.

For more information on True Blood, go to http://itsh.bo/ibzU7X or jump in on the Twitter conversations http://twitter.com/truebloodhbo #trueblood.

Watch True Blood online at HBO GO® http://itsh.bo/hWfz80.

With HBO GO, you can watch every episode of every season of True Blood on your iPad® (http://itsh.bo/hbogoapple), iPhone® (http://itsh.bo/hbogoapple) or Android™ (http://itsh.bo/hbogoandroid) smartphone. Free with your HBO subscription through participating TV providers.

True Blood Season 5, starring Anna Paquin, Joe Manganiello, Stephen Moyer and Alexander Skarsgard, premieres June 10 at 9/8c on HBO.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com