
Bad Robot to Develop Rod Serling’s THE STOPS ALONG THE WAY Into Event Series


J.J. Abrams‘s Bad Robot Productions and the estate of Rod Serling (The Twilight Zone) have struck a deal to develop an “event series” based on an unproduced screenplay by one of our all-time favorite sci-fi TV writers. Entitled The Stops Along the Way, it was the last screenplay completed by Serling before his death in 1975.

Rod SerlingVariety reports that the project will be shopped to TV outlets as a limited series, basically the more recent term for a miniseries, though limited or event series can sometimes have as many as 13 episodes. It was written by Serling as a miniseries, which in the 1970s usually meant two or three 1-2 hour episodes.

Said Serling’s widow Carol, “It was one of my husband’s favorite pieces. He thought it had great potential.” Otherwise she would only say it involves “a little bit of fantasy, a little bit of imagination” and that it “takes place over a long period of time.”

Rod Serling plus J.J. Abrams‘s Bad Robot. I so cannot wait for this. Someone with excellent Photoshop skills is certain to be posting a graphic on the interwebs of the Bad Robot in a cornfield, mark my words… And if you’re not familiar with the reference, go find the “It’s a Good Life” episode of The Twilight Zone, right now. No, it wasn’t written by Serling, but it’s easily one of the best episodes of the anthology series. Go on, go watch it.

We’ll keep you posted about The Stops Along the Way, hopefully soon.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com