Taylor Lautner To Star In STRETCH ARMSTRONG

Universal has signed Taylor Lautner (Twilight) to star in their 3D adaptation of Stretch Armstrong. According to THR, Lautner will play “an uptight spy who stumbles across a stretching formula, which he takes and must now adjust to in everyday [...]

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Invasion Of The Star Wars Opening Crawl

What would happen if the yellow scrolling text from the opening crawl of Star Wars began to invade Earth? We know you've asked that question thousands of times and thanks to the video below, we now have the answer! billywarp1 [...]

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Mark Millar Talks WANTED 2

Mark Millar Talks WANTED 2

Mark Millar, creator of Kick-Ass and Wanted recently spoke with IGN about a sequel to the 2008 film adaptation of WANTED. Apparently, Universal Pictures, director Timur Bekmambetov and Angelina Jolie are on board for the next spin through the [...]

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