Another Marvel Movie for 2012, Two Sides of Black Widow and Bucky In Capt. America

buckycaptamericaFirstShowing attended the Producers Guild of America’s panel on Producing Marvel Movies where Marvel Entertainment producer Kevin Feige revealed a couple interesting bits about upcoming film projects:

It’s a “safe bet” that Steve Roger’s sidekick Bucky is going to show up in The First Avenger: Captain America.

Scarlett Johansson character in Iron Man 2 has “two sides,” entering the picture as an assistant to Tony Stark, but later revealed as Black Widow. Johansson is signed up for multiple films.

blackwidowEdgar Wright is writing another draft of the script, which should be finished sometime after he is done on Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Marvel is planning on announcing another new movie for 2012 within the next few months.

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff