
AMC Launches THE PRISONER Online Comic In Support Of Mini-Series Event

prisoner interactiveonlinecomic

Did you catch AMC’s remake of “The Prisoner” that started last night?  The three night event, starring Sir Ian McKellen and Jim Caviezel, continues today and tomorrow.  AMC is further promoting their remake with the launch of an interactive online comic based on the AMC mini-series event that follows a new character, a heroine named Rebecca Meadows.

“The Prisoner” online comic is written and produced by M. Scott Veach whose credits include freelance writing on TNT’s “Leverage”. Art in this online comic features work by comic book artist Mitchell Breitweiser (“Captain America”).  This online comic executed in a “motion comic” style.

This online comic will contain a total of 10 chapters, the first of which is up now. Read Chapter One, entitled “Book One: As the Air, Invulnerable” here. The second chapter will go live after tomorrow night’s finale.


This motion comic is interesting so far.  This first book is but a morsel of what could be a strong spin-off storyline to “The Prisoner”.  I believe that we have to wait to read the rest of this to form an accurate judgment of the quality of this online graphic novel.

One thing to note though, this online comic is done in a traditional ‘motion comic’ style, in the sense that the presentation of the story is not static as in print comics, but it does not use the 3-D technologies involved in the newest breed of motion comics as seen in Joss Whedon’s “Astonishing X-Men” motion comic, “Gifted”.

Check out our coverage of AMC’s “The Prisoner”:

Why You Should Watch “The Prisoner” On AMC Starting This Sunday

“The Prisoner” Remake Airs November 15 On AMC

[Source] AMC TV

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!