
Adorable German Chick Builds A TARDIS

The below video is pretty long. Luckily our hostess is cute as a button and full of moxie. Meet Astrid (aka SillySparrowness), a Doctor Who fan from Germany who got it in her head to build her own TARDIS, and thoughtfully document the entire process in this 16 minute video. Watching it I was amazed by how well thought out her whole project was.

She built a fully collapsible and portable TARDIS that she can reconstruct in just under 10 minutes. That’s some Jedi level patience and more than a fair share of talent. Even though the video is long it’s well edited and a very entertaining 16 minutes. Enjoy.

Via SillySparrowness

Brandon Johnston
Written by Brandon Johnston

Brandon is a Reporter, Critic, Tornado Alley Correspondent, Technomancer, and Book Department Editor for SciFi Mafia®. When he's not writing for SciFi Mafia®, he's busy being a dad, a novelist, and a man with more hobbies and interests than is healthy for any one person to have.