
Abrams and Lindelof Give Us An Update On TREK 2, Plus The TREK Blooper Reel


Last night at the DVD/Blu-Ray premiere of Star Trek ScifiWire got a little info about Star Trek 2. First, Writer/Producer Damon Lindelof stated why the time frame for the next installment won’t be until 2012.

Yeah, I think that we would be hard pressed to get it on screens by 2011, If that’s the case, we’d better get to writing right now.

Following that, Lindelof talked about the story and it appears that the next film might deal with time shifts.

One of the things we like to do as storytellers is drop you in the middle of something, And the question that you’re asking yourself is: Where am I in relation to the last time I left these guys? Could this be something that predated even, perhaps, some of the adventures that they had in the first movie? Does it happen five years later? Is it happening two seconds later? Who knows? So we’re not going to tell you.

Director J.J. Abrams also spoke about what is next for Spock and Uhura.

Now that we’ve done that, you can’t play that same joke again. It’s got to be about ‘What is their relationship?’ and ‘Who are these people?’ That’s why the next one, hopefully while still maintaining the sense of fun and adventure, can go a little bit deeper in terms of the script.

Abrams also hinted at the possibly of Khan being in the sequel.

We’re not even at that stage yet, but the fun of where we are on the sequel is we could use some of what was done before in a new way

Now, check out the blooper reel from Abram’s Star Trek Below and let us know what you think in the comments.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®