
A Bloody Good New CARRIE Poster


The scene for this Carrie poster is iconic to say the least. I can’t imagine that there are people out there that aren’t familiar with this scene, but this poster is a great and chilling capture of the greatest and most gut wrenching parts of the story.

carrie poster

While I have to admit that Chloë Moretz has a steep uphill battle to out do the performance of Sissy Spacek in the original 1976 adaptation of the Stephen King novel, I’ve openly stated several times that Julianne Moore is going to be amazing as Carrie’s mother, Margaret.

Carrie starring Chloë Moretz and Julianne Moore is slated to hit theaters October 18th 2013.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com