ACTION COMICS Number One Sells For A Record $1 Million

Way back in 1938, Action Comics #1 originally sold for the paltry sum of 10 cents. The last known sale of that issue took in a record of $317,000.00 Now, the 1938 issue of Action Comics #1, the very comic that launched the Man of Steel faster than a speeding bullet into a pop-culture icon for every generation since, has sold for a record – One Million Dollars.

According to the AP,

It features Superman lifting a car on its cover and originally cost 10 cents.

It was sold by a private seller to a private buyer, neither of whom released their names. The sale was conducted by the auction site

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®