The movie adaptation of Epic Comics’ Alien Legion has begun to gain momentum, according to reports. Released in the 1980s, the science fiction comic takes place in outer space and features aliens and humans batting alongside one another. USA Today says that the proposed cinematic version of the story has started to move forward.
Series creator Carl Potts noted that writers Derek Haas and Michael Brandt are currently working on a third draft of the script. He also said that the project would be ideal for Jerry Bruckheimer to produce.
“Bruckheimer’s never done a science fiction before, so that challenge, I think, is something that would hold his interest. The success they’ve had with blending CGI and live-action characters in the Pirates Of The Caribbean series could translate easily to an Alien Legion film,” he stated.
Legion artist and omnibus editor Chris Warner added:
“Legion is painted on an immense canvas and today’s effects can really carry that off. The themes and characters have a lot of depth and resonance, and ultimately that’s what storytelling is about. Good stories are always good stories.”
Alien Legion was originally released under Marvel imprint Epic Comics in 1984. A potential release window for the film adaptation is yet to be announced.