
Will We Lose Matt Parkman To The Darkside? On ‘HEROES’

heroes-matt-parkmanLast season, Matt Parkman mind-melded with Sylar to re-program him to think that he is Nathan Petrilli, but it seems that maybe a bit of Sylar hitched a ride in the transfer!

Greg Grunberg, who plays Matt Parkman, reveals this twist on his character:

“The evil part of Sylar got stuck in my subconscious, and he is slowly gaining control over me.  I have a feeling that he’s going to make Matt do things that he would never, ever do in a million years.”

Heck, with carnies and a blade-wielding Ray Park, what else can they throw at us this next season?

Heroes” returns to NBC on September 21st.

[Source] TV Guide

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!