
We’re Ready to Take a Bite Out of HEMLOCK GROVE for a Second Season

Hemlock Grove wide

You liked it, you loved it, you want more of it, and Netflix is going to deliver you a nice hot plate of Hemlock Grove for a second season next year and with a new show runner Charles H. Eglee (The Walking Dead) to take hold of the reins in 2014.

TV Line quotes executive producer Eli Roth from a statement where he makes big promises for Season Two.

The worldwide fan response to Hemlock Grove was phenomenal. Netflix members loved the potent combination of sexy monsters, mystery and the dark family soap opera that ended with a huge twist, leaving audiences worldwide totally shocked. Season 1 was just a warm up for what we have in store for Season 2.  Get ready to be scared in ways you never expected.

We’ll keep you posted on the latest for Season Two of Hemlock Grove coming in 2014.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com