
We Regret to Inform You: AWAKE Canceled

I thought of titling this post “Breaking Bad News” but figured some of you might have been misled. It is bad news, and it is breaking, and heartbreaking for those of us who have been loving the smart, layered, high concept, high quality Awake. NBC has made it known that there will be no Season 2.

Awake creator/showrunner Kyle Killen (Lone Star) was gracious in his tweet:

followed by:

because yes indeed, NBC comedy Whitney did indeed inexplicably get picked up for a second season.

On NBC we are now left with the wonderful Grimm, and hopes for Mockingbird Lane, whose delayed production has so far kept it safe from the pilot ax.

The season isn’t over yet for Awake, so keep watching; excellent TV is always worth watching, whether or not we get as many episodes as we’d like.

Awake, starring Jason Isaacs, Laura Allen, Dylan Minette, Steve Harris, and Wilmer Valderrama, airs Thursdays at 10/9c on NBC.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com