
We Howled They Listened: The First TEEN WOLF Season 2 Trailer is Here

Teen Wolf fans, bear with me a minute while I talk to the scoffers. This. Series. Is. GREAT. This is not the chucklefest that the original movie was, nor is it your basic eye-rolling eye-candy I-can’t-believe-I’m-watching-this whiny teenfest. It has some decent action, terrific snark in the form of Stiles, the best friend, and isn’t angsty, it’s fun. It’s much closer to Buffy than it is to Gossip Girl, and it’s just right for summer.

I’m sorry that they’re gorgeous, but try to overlook it. You’re not going to be able to tell from this trailer, but really, Season 1 at least was all that and a bowl o’ popcorn. Give the show a try.

For the fans – they’re back! Here You Go:

Trailer: Teen Wolf: Season 2 – Trust the Instinct (Ensemble)

Teen Wolf, starring Tyler Posey, Dylan O’Brien, Crystal Reed, and Tyler Hoechlin, returns for Season 2 this summer on MTV.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com