
Warehouse 13 Mystery Man Sasha Roiz Dances Deftly Around Spoilers

If you saw Warehouse 13 on Syfy last week you saw a familiar face at the very end, behind the wheel of a car. That was Sasha Roiz, who has an arc on the show this season. He plays “the mysterious and sinister Marcus Diamond,” which is all we know about him so far.

You may know him better as Sam Adama, the Tauron with the great body art, the thuggish brother of Joseph and uncle of the future Admiral Adama, on the late great Caprica. He has now also joined the cast of Grimm, a police procedural set in the world of Grimm’s Fairy Tales, which premieres this fall on NBC.

Roiz recently participated in a Q&A session with the media to talk about his roles on Warehouse 13 and Grimm. The first question, from Pazsaz, was how Marcus arrived at the Warehouse. Sasha gave us an example of his spoiler sidestep:

Sasha Roiz: How Marcus arrived. You know what? It’s a little bit of a mystery which will be revealed later in the season, so I can’t tell you specifically. But I’m definitely part of a – sort of the nefarious force that’s working against the Warehouse this season. So I’m certainly not alone in that. There’s a few people that I work in conjunction with which are also some interesting guest stars that you’ll see. But, I can’t tell you the specifics of it because there’s a little bit of a mystery revolving Marcus specifically.

Ooo, a “nefarious force”! Well we did kind of already know that, so he was safe so far. He was then asked by Deadbolt to “talk about Marcus Diamond and how he compares to Sam Adama, since they’re both kind of mean guys, right?”

Sasha Roiz: Yes. Well, you’ll discover in this season what Marcus – the little mystery revolving around Marcus is. So – and I mean I can’t tell you specifically, but the main difference is that Sam Adama is very much his own man and he has his own moral code, and Marcus is – hmm, how do I dance around this?

I mean, Marcus – you know, they’re very different characters. I think Marcus is a bit more of a henchman than Sam. You know, Sam really believes in sort of the world he lives in and his place in it, and Marcus’ situation is not quite the same.

Nicely sidestepped again, Sir. He also said that he was invited to the role, and that he had a great fun time with the welcoming set and cast.

We then moved on to Grimm. TV Megasite asked, “What can you tell us about Grimm? What would you say to get fans to tune in?

Sasha Roiz: Well, you’ve got David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf, Executive Producers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, so that’s already a certain you know level of expertise and fan base that you could rely on.

And then you’ve got a terrific cast. And as well, we’re kind of – you know, it’s the first time you’re going to see a police procedural mixed with a fairytale setting, and it’s going to be (an) interesting result. It’s a very dark and quite scary at times, and it’s – it’s quite beautiful actually. I saw the pilot. It’s beautifully executed. So I think the fans of this genre and the sci-fi genre are going to be quite entertained.

SciFi Mafia then asked him to compare the tone of Grimm, Warehouse 13 and Caprica. 

SciFi Mafia: Grimm sounds like it’s a lot closer in tone to Caprica than to Warehouse 13. Is that a fair assessment?

Sasha Roiz: I’m not sure to be honest. You’ve – I think it’s definitely dark. So it’s got you know, totally – perhaps it’s a little bit more akin to Caprica in that sense. But Caprica’s darkness came from a different place I think. Grimm is just literally set in a very sort of dark environment. It’s the Grimm Brother’s Tales, and if you’re familiar with those tales, they are quite you know scary in nature…

But, there is some lightness and quirkiness I think. Silas Weir Mitchell who plays a werewolf character in our show, he’s got a very quirky storyline and approach and quite comedic, and I think it’s going to lend itself to a few laughs for sure.

So, there’s a balance there, but you know Caprica was highly dramatic and in every sense of the word, and Grimm is not I don’t think necessarily quite in the – I don’t think that there’s a similarity in that sense so much… But, it’s definitely more scary-dark than it is like those sort of – the high drama of Caprica.

SciFi Mafia: Your Warehouse 13 character is described as nefarious. Is the Police Captain in Grimm going to be somewhat nefarious too?

Sasha Roiz: I think there’s certainly some room for mystery with him, absolutely. I think there’s going to be some … interesting stories unfolding in regards to him. You know, but I can’t say too much right now, but I think – like I said, it’s going to be a – definitely a layered character.

I asked him, since he had said earlier that he would be at Comic-Con on the Grimm panel, if he would also be at the Warehouse 13 panel. He replied that unfortunately he wouldn’t be arriving at Comic-Con until Saturday (the Warehouse 13 panel was Friday).

SciFi Mafia: What do you think about the whole Comic-Con experience? Is it too – is it a real challenge as an actor or is it fun, or is it something kind of in-between?

Sasha Roiz: I mean it’s certainly overwhelming, just because of the sheer number of people. But beyond that, it’s a lot of fun and people are remarkably supportive and gracious and respectful of your time. And I’ve had nothing but positive experiences, and it’s really fun to be amongst the demographic that is genuine fans of your show and your genre. So, it’s really nice to engage with them and get to know them a bit.

It’s always great to hear from actors who are happy with and appreciative of sci-fi fans. We now like him even more.

Finally, Big Daddy Horror Reviews asked him for “one thing about yourself that people don’t expect”:

Sasha Roiz: I think probably that I’m you know pretty much a – like a comedian at heart, and I just you know, love goofing around and just having a great time, and joking, and that’s basically for me. Like if I’m on set and we’re not doing that, it’s a tragedy. So I enjoy just having fun and laughing as much as possible.

The very attractive yet menacing-looking mysterious man with the secret heart of a goofball will be on Warehouse 13 for a number of episodes this season.

Warehouse 13 airs Mondays at 9/8c on Syfy.

Grimm premieres Friday, October 21 at 9/8c, directly after the season premiere of Chuck, on NBC.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com