
TV Spot and Clip for the ARROW Midseason Finale

Arrow logo s2 wide

Way to leave us on a cliffhanger last week, Arrow. Looks like our new friend Barry Allen (Grant Gustin, future Flash) is now in the loop, since he may be the only hope for Oliver (Stephen Amell). Check out the TV spot and you’ll see that, well, Oliver’s probably gonna pull through, and get a new accessory for his jungle-green ensemble.

We also have a clip featuring some trouble for Roy (Colton Haynes), whom I still kinda think of as Jackson from Teen Wolf, though he’s doing a terrific job as Roy:

TV Spot: Arrow – Three Ghosts

Clip: Arrow – 209 Three Ghosts

Arrow, starring Stephen AmellKatie CassidyDavid RamseyWilla HollandSusanna ThompsonEmily Bett RickardsColton Haynes and Paul Blackthorne, airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW.


Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com