
TRON LEGACY: Playable Space Paranoids Game Is Live And New Viral Site Is Online!

The Tron Legacy viral machine has brought us some new toys! As Alan Bradley (Bruce Boxleitner) promised at the Encom International press conference just outside WonderCon back in April, you can now play Space Paranoids Online! The game is virtually identical to the version featured in the original Tron film back in 1982.

So, after you finish this article… head on over to spaceparaniodsonline.com, get your tank in gear and start taking out baddie tanks and Recognizers.

In other Tron Legacy viral news, the ever intrepid Alex over at firstshowing found a link to HelloFlynn.com, which launches an panel similar to the Encom systems seen in the trailer (see above). You should automatically be able to see a couple of concept art sketches (below) after you login with your FlynnLives.com credentials. Alex then found out via Unfiction that you can enter 888822039114 in the file code box on the lower left side of the screen and it unlocks another image (you’ll have to go unlock that one for yourself)!

Tron Legacy is directed by Joseph Kosinski and stars Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Michael Sheen, Olivia Wilde, and Bruce Boxleitner. The movie hits theaters on December 17th.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®