
These Trailers for FINAL FANTASY XV are Going to Blow Your Mind

final fantasy 15

I’m setting up your high hopes because I have huge boundless love for the only game I have eyes for, Final Fantasy. Here today, we have two amazing trailers for Final Fantasy XV, followed by a gameplay trailer. The DETAIL. The ACTION. The MUSIC. THE HAIR. My heart palpitates. I could watch these all day, much like how I could play this game all day without needing to eat.

Trailer: Final Fantasy XV
Trailer: Final Fantasy XV
Trailer: Final Fantasy XV – Gameplay

A playable demo of Final Fantasy XV is expected in March 2015 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com