Steampunk’d: Disney Characters

Steampunk’d: Disney Characters

Here is another gallery of fantastic work by DeviantArtist MecaniqueFairy. This time she's made over Disney characters. My favorite is a toss up between Captain Hook and Mulan. What's yours? MecaniqueFairy@DeviantArt [...]

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Steampunk’d: Doctor Who

Steampunk’d: Doctor Who

Today's edition of Steampunk'd brings you the conceptual stylings of Promus Kaa who was featured over at The Geek Arts earlier this year. Doctor Who is already heavily influenced by the steampunk aesthetic but Promus took it a step further [...]

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Steampunk’d: Final Fantasy Mages

Steampunk’d: Final Fantasy Mages

Welcome to a new SciFi Mafia feature called Steampunk'd, where we find some of our favorite subjects of sci-fi and fantasy re-imagined by talented artists with a Victorian techie twist. I found this gem over at DeviantArtist MecaniqueFairy's gallery where [...]

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Master Chief is a Dick

Did you ever stop to think how your actions in Halo were perceived by your AI backup? How many times have you traded a fellow soldier an empty mauler for his assault rifle? Or accidentally (or purposefully, you asshole) tossed a sticky [...]

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Earthbound Fan Art Blows Your Mind

Earthbound Fan Art Blows Your Mind

Here are some posters for the old video game Earthbound, an RPG franchise that was featured on the Nintendo and Super Nintendo Entertainment Systems. Special thanks to the artist KurkoBoltsi for this incredible fan art eye-candy this Friday. [...]

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