Last year's Doctor Who Christmas Special was easy to look forward to. It was Clara's first episode as the new companion, and we already knew we liked her because she was Souffle Girl. Plus, hello, it was the Doctor Who [...]
Read moreHappy DOCTOR WHO 50th Anniversary Eve! Celebrate With Pics, Games, Featurettes and More
One day away! It's tomorrow! The 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, and the worldwide simulcast of the special episode, Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor. And yes, we have a seeming TARDIS full of great pics and links and [...]
Read moreWatch the Mini-Prequel to DOCTOR WHO: THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR Right Here, Right Now
We were already all ramped up to see the global simulcast of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special, Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor, but now... WE NEED SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23 TO BE RIGHT NOW. The BBC has released [...]
Read moreFour New Screenshots from DOCTOR WHO: THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR
November seemed ridiculously far away when we heard back in May that we would have to wait SIX MONTHS for the next episode of Doctor Who. Now it's only sixteen days away! We will try to pretend that, "to stay [...]
Read moreOfficial Synopsis Released for DOCTOR WHO: THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR
Would it be too horrible to say "Who-ray"? The synopsis for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor is here, and it is wonderfully oblique. Spoilerphobes need not fear too much; what has been revealed [...]
Read moreBBC America Announces DOCTOR WHO: THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR 3D Event Theater Locations
We have good news and maybe better news for all U.S. Whovians. We've been telling you about the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special, Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor, which premieres on November 23 and which will be simulcast [...]
Read moreTwo Stills From the Set of The Doctor Who Anniversary Special, AN ADVENTURE IN SPACE AND TIME
Our year long Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Celebration continues with excitement for a dramatic look at what it took to bring Doctor Who to the small screen back in the 1960's in a special titled, An Adventure in Space and [...]
Read moreBREAKING NEWS – Matt Smith to Leave DOCTOR WHO
Ah well, it was bound to happen at some point, but today the BBC offically announced that the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, will be leaving Doctor Who after - well, during, really - the Christmas special. In fact it's kind [...]
Read moreBehind the Scenes Interview on the Set of the DOCTOR WHO 50th ANNIVERSARY EPISODE
Hopefully by now you've already seen the amazing Season Finale for Doctor Who (if you haven't, don't worry, no spoilers here). Such a great episode to end the season, which you may or may not have known was released to [...]
Read moreMore Casting News for the DOCTOR WHO: 50TH ANNIVERSARY
Table reading has begun for the Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary Episode which we reported on Monday would feature David Tennant and Billie Piper alongside current Doctor Matt Smith and companion Jenna Louise Coleman. And here's the epic proof. And that on [...]
Read moreAnother Doctor and Companion Return Confirmed for DOCTOR WHO 50TH ANNIVERSARY
The Bells of St. John aired this past weekend and isn't television just better when Doctor Who is back on it and airing new episodes? YES. And more good things are coming with this being the Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary. [...]
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