
SUPERMAN Reboot Is Being Inspired By Geoff Johns Secret Origin Story

As we told you back in October, Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen, Sucker Punch) will be directing the upcoming Warner Bros. Pictures reboot of Superman (a.k.a. Superman: Man of Steel), which is being overseen by producer/director Christopher Nolan (Inception, Untitled Batman Project) and written by David S. Goyer (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight) and Jonathan Nolan (The Dark Knight Rises).

Now, thanks to superkal over at CBM who picked up DC Comics‘ graphic novel edition of Geoff Johns and Gary Frank‘s Superman: Secret Origin, we may actually have some insight into where the Superman story is heading in the forthcoming reboot. The foreword of the graphic novel was written by David S. Goyer, it hints at the direction the film will take and sights Geoff Johns story in Secret Origin as being a source of inspiration for the film.

Check out the foreword below:

“There is a heart breaking moment halfway through the first chapter in which young Clark is told the truth about his heritage. He races out into the night, sobbing, stumbling through the cornfields. Eventually, his foster father, Jonathan, finds him.”

‘I don’t want to be someone else,’ says Clark. ‘I don’t want to be different. I want to be Clark Kent.’

[And here’s the kicker…]

‘I want to be your son’

“Right there in that moment, Geoff contextualized Superman in a way that I’m not sure has ever really been done before. I had an ‘aha’ experience when I read that. For the first time I was able to grasp how lonely Clark must have been when he was growing up. And what a sacrifice Clark must continually make by being Superman.”

“As I write this, I am midway through my first draft of a new Superman screenplay. It’s a task that has stymied many talented fimmakers in the years since Donner’s film. And for all I know, it will end up stymying me as well.”

“But I’ve got one advantage that the screenwriters who came before me didn’t have– and that’s access to all the wonderful Superman stories written by Geoff Johns– first and foremost being the SECRET ORIGIN issues reprinted in the very volume you are now holding”

You can pick up Geoff Johns‘ hardcover graphic novel of SUPERMAN: SECRET ORIGIN and his other books at Amazon using the widget below!

Superman (a.k.a. Superman: Man of Steel) is slated to hit theaters in 2012.



Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®