
Soundtrack Review: Doctor Who – The Krotons [Audio CD]

doctor who - the krotonsMusic Composed and Produced by: Brian Hodgson & The BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Release Date: July 16th, 2013

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 1 disc, 26 tracks, approx. 26 minutes

Label: Silva America


Doctor Who – The Krotons is the second archive release of a Doctor Who soundtrack since the Doctor Who 2005 British TV comeback, featuring a collection of ‘special sounds’ by British electronic composer Brian Hodgson and leads into the 50th anniversary of the Doctor Who franchise. Doctor Who – The Krotons is a 4-episode Doctor Who serial, first broadcast in weekly parts from 28 December 1968 to 18 January 1969.

The soundtrack for Doctor Who – The Krotons is quite a trip down memory lane for any one who is a classic Doctor Who fan or for anyone who watched a science fiction show in the late ’60s. The four episodes that make up The Krotons played in the latter half of the Second Doctor’s (Patrick Troughton) incarnation which aired from December 1968 to January 1969.

Most of the 119 episodes that Patrick Troughton appeared in were lost, so having all the episodes of The Krotons is great, and as of writing this article, The Krotons is available via Netflix mailed discs, though not streaming (sad trombone). The Krotons follows the Doctor and companions Jamie (Frazer Hines) and Zoe (Wendy Padbury) to another planet where the native life forms, the Gonds are being controlled by an alien life form, the Krotons.

The soundtrack for Doctor Who – The Krotons is less of a soundtrack and more of of a compilation of sound effects. They’re very cool sound effects and would make awesome ring tones but it’s not something I’d pop in the CD player on a road trip or add to my iPod running mix. The audience for this soundtrack is hugely limited, but there are folks out there who will get a kick out of it, and these sound effects are the epitome of old school sci-fi.

I give the soundtrack, Doctor Who – The Krotons [Audio CD] Three Out of Five Stars.



Doctor Who – The Krotons [Audio CD] is available from Amazon now. Here’s a link!


Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com