
SIX New Clips From Tonight’s Two Hour Season Finale of TERRA NOVA

Wow SIX clips – ooo, six… Sixers… well, we’ll see! How high will that cliff be upon which Terra Nova is sure to leave us hanging? Tonight’s season finale, entitled “Occupation/Resistance,” is a two hour extravaganza. Season ending angst? Check. Season ending action? Check. Season ending explosions? Check. Bring it!


I now feel properly out on a cliff, how about you? I understand we will be seeing some of that dystopian future, which was my favorite part of the pilot, so excellent bonus!

Tonight’s two hour season finale of Terra Nova, starring Jason O’Mara and Stephen Lang, premieres at 8/7c on Fox.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com