
Shaun of the Dead Reunion Photo Shoot


The boys from Shaun of the Dead recently assembled for a reunion of sorts. UK movie magazine Total Film managed to bring director Edgar Wright, along with stars Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost for a formal, zombie photo shoot. If you haven’t seen Shaun of the Dead and were born after 2004 (why am I even talking to you?) – I digress… Shaun of the Dead is a 2004 British horror comedy directed by Edgar Wright, starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, and written by Pegg and Wright. Pegg plays Shaun, a man attempting to get some kind of focus in his life as he deals with his girlfriend, his mother and stepfather. At the same time he has to cope with an apocalyptic uprising of zombies.

The film was the “first romantic zombie comedy or ‘rom-zom-com'”, and is also the first of what Pegg and Wright call their “Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy” with Hot Fuzz as the second and The World’s End as the third.

Check out the pics after the jump and let us know what you think in the comments.


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Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®