
Rumor Has It! Hugh Jackman’s WOLVERINE To Appear In X-Men: First Class

20th Century Fox‘s latest foray into the X-Men universe, the Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass, Stardust) directed, X-Men: First Class is currently filming on Jekyll Island in Georgia. The Savannah Morning News reported a few weeks ago that producers will be filming on a 4.5-acre beach area east of Beachview Drive and the Clam Creek fishing pier on Jeckyll Island.

Now, according to CBM, a Facebook status message from a cab driver in Georgia may indicate that Hugh Jackman‘s Wolverine will make an appearance in Vaughn’s X-Men: First Class.

The status message states:

“I drove Hugh Jackman from X-Men To the Airport this morning. They are filming on Jekyll…Cool guy!”

Of course Jackman could just be paying a visit to the set, though it is possible that he may have a cameo appearance in X-Men: First Class as Wolverine. We’ll keep this one in the rumor file for now.

Stick around, we’ll bring you all the latest on First Class!

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®