
Rose McGowan “Still Contracted To Do Red Sonja”

4176261020aIf you’ve been waiting to see Rose McGowan in crimson hair, wielding a sword in Red Sonja, you’ll have to wait a bit longer.

The Robert Rodriguez produced / Douglas Aarniokoski directed film has been lingering in development for quite awhile, and it was recently put on hold (supposedly) because of the bad economy. I (and many others) had really given up on the thought of Red Sonja ever coming to life, or at the very least thought that McGowan would be in a nursing home before the studio got off their collective asses to get the project underway.

McGowan took to twitter recently to assuage peoples fears.

McGowan said:

“Just this once i’ll address questions about Red Sonja & others; i was meant to do in ‘08. Major personal &private; reasons I pulled out. Starting 2 want to work again. Sometimes real life f***ing sucks. That’s all. God bless us survivors.”

She continued:

“To clarify press reports: Red Sonja is delayed. I pulled out of doing it in ‘09. Not permanently. Hopefully will follow Conan.”

and she concluded with:

“I am still contracted to do it Red Sonja. Hopefully Filming in ‘10 not ‘09″.

While it seems that McGowan is in fact still attached to ‘Red Sonja’, apparently she has no idea when the film will actually go into production.

None of this has really inspired great confidence, but it’s cool to know that she’s still attached and hopefully we’ll see her don the chain-mail and crimson mane before that whole Mayan calendar-2012-end of the world fiasco.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®