
REVOLUTION Revealed and More in Featurette, Clips and TV Spot

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Quite the nice new plot point added in at the end of last week’s episode of Revolution, eh? And quite the reaction by Miles to a certain itchy trigger finger. We don’t have too many more episodes this season; gee, do you think they’ll leave us with a cliffhanger? Like they do every week?

We have a featurette that explores last week’s pivotal episode, as well as a clip of that standoff near the end of the last episode. We also have a TV spot and clip from tonight’s new episode, to get you all ready for your viewing experience.

Featurette: Revolution – Revealed: Episode 15

Clip: Revolution – The Death of Innocence

TV Spot: Revolution – When Enemies Become Partners

Clip: Revolution – A Most Unlikely Partnership

I suspect things will not go too smoothly.

Revolution, starring Billy BurkeTracy SpiridakosElizabeth Mitchell, Zak OrthGiancarlo EspositoDavid LyonsDaniella AlonsoJD PardoMaria Howell, and Colm Feore, airs Mondays at 10/9c on NBC.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com