
Nicolas Cage Explains His ‘Green Hornet’ Exit

cageghostriderA few days ago we told you about Christoph Waltz from Inglourious Basterds taking the villain role in Seth Rogen and Michel Gondry’s ‘The Green Hornet’ after Nicolas Cage dropped out.

It was initially reported that he passed on the role because “he  and the studio were not able to come to terms on a deal” but, apparently he didn’t like the character.

From Yahoo:

Cage says he “wasn’t interested in just being just a straight-up bad guy who was killing people willy-nilly.”

He says Rogen and Gondry “had a different take on the character” and there wasn’t enough time to develop the script.

“‘The Green Hornet’ was something that I wanted to do, I think Michel Gondry is very talented and I had hoped it would work but I think Seth Rogen and Michel had a different take on the character,” said Cage, who starred in 2007’s supernatural comic book film, “Ghost Rider.”

“I had to have some humanity and to try to give it something where you could understand why the character was the way he was but I don’t think there was enough time to develop it.”


I am so on the fence about this. Knowing that Cage is a huge comic book fan, does this mean The Green Hornet will probably suck? But then I remember ‘Ghost Rider’ and think “does that mean Hornet will actually be good? I’m conflicted. What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®