
News FLASH: Tom Cavanagh Cast in Arrow Spinoff

Flash Tom Cavanagh wide

I was already looking forward with a lot of hope and a small amount of certitude towards Arrow spinoff Flash getting picked up to series by The CW, but this latest casting news seals it for me. We’ve been telling you about Flash since it was announced as a potential series during the The CW‘s Summer 2013 TCA presentation.

We subsequently met Central City assistant police forensic investigator Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) when he visited Starling City in the two-part Arrow winter finale, and we saw at the end of the episode that, upon his return to Central City, there was a major explosion of the particle accelerator at S.T.A.R. Labs, near where he worked.

We learned in the Arrow episodes that followed, through discussions between Oliver and Felicity, that Barry spent a long time in the hospital afterwards.  It’s a wild guess but I’m thinking that maybe Barry will be experiencing some side effects of that explosion.

Which brings us to the latest casting news, via THR, because the part of Harrison Wells, the man behind S.T.A.R. Labs, will be played by Tom Cavanagh. He’s been in a lot of TV series but his breakout role was as the lead in Ed. I’ve liked him in everything I’ve seen him in, whether he was good or bad or a mix, and whether the script was good or bad or a mix.

I’m now assured that I’ll like at least one thing about this we-hope-it-will-be-a series. Of course I already love Grant Gustin as Barry, and the people behind the excellent second season of Arrow are creating Flash, so I’m ready to start yelling at The CW to announce a series pickup. Quickly. GET IT? QUICKLY.

We’ll keep you posted on the Flash pilot, starring Grant Gustin, Tom CavanaghCandice PattonJesse L. MartinRick CosnettDanielle Panabaker, and Carlos Valdesfor The CW.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com