
NEW TRON LEGACY Billboard Features A Cool 4 Wheeled Vehicle

Walt Disney Pictures has unleashed a new billboard image in Los Angeles as part of their ad campaign for Tron Legacy. Every month or so they have been changing the image, and so far they have had the blue lightcycle, the yellow lightcycle, the colliding blue and yellow lightcycles and now there is the image below, which features their four wheel – light [insert moniker here].

The vehicle is currently unnamed, but it is really cool! Lightbuggy? LightATV? LightCar? I don’t know? If you’ve got some ideas, feel free to drop them in the comments below!

[Click Image To Blow Sh!t Up]

Tron Legacy is directed by Joseph Kosinski and stars Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Michael Sheen, Olivia Wilde, and Bruce Boxleitner. The movie hits theaters on December 17th.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®