
New HELIX Extended Trailer, Character Profiles, and More Pics From SciFi Mafia’s Set Tour

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We’re almost done with November, and that means we’re getting closer and closer to a very creepy outbreak taking over our living rooms, when Helix premieres on Syfy January 10. Syfy has now released a nice long trailer for us to devour, along with some helpful character descriptions, which I’ve paired with pictures taken during SciFiMafia.com‘s set tour in October.

Ready? Dig in:

Trailer: Helix – Laws of Nature

Did some of those sets look familiar? If not, head on over to our post of set pictures here. Here are a few prop photos to enjoy as well (as always, click on the pics for a better look):

Helix 2013 set visit 0045 props skeletonHelix 2013 set visit 0046 props headHelix 2013 set visit 0046 monkeyHelix 2013 set visit 0046 props

Now for the characters:

HELIX Character Descriptions

Helix 2013 set visit Billy Campbell 2Helix 2013 set visit Billy Campbell

DR. ALAN FARRAGUT (Billy Campbell)
As a top pathologist at the CDC, he is first and foremost a man of science, having dedicated his life to understanding, controlling and containing viruses and infectious diseases. An affair between his wife, Julia Walker, and his brother, Peter Farragut, has left Alan closed off emotionally. Now, he finds himself forced to deal with emotions old and new when tasked to save his estranged brother Peter who has become infected with a deadly virus.

Helix 2013 set visit Hiroyuki Sanada 2Helix 2013 set visit Hiroyuki Sanada 3

DR. HIROSHI HATAKE (Hiroyuki Sanada)
Brimming with confidence, menace, hypnotic charm and brilliance, he is the true mastermind behind Arctic Biosystems. As our team arrives at the base, Hatake’s charm will give way to his mysterious and sometimes ominous presence.

DR. JULIA WALKER (Kyra Zagorsky)
Helix 2013 set visit Kyra ZagorskyCellular Biologist. Strong, independent, and smart – a nononsense kind of woman. Walker was doing ground-breaking research with virus vectors at the CDC when her affair with Peter, a momentary lapse in judgment, imploded her entire world. She isolated herself in fieldwork only to be brought back into the fold when she’s notified of Peter’s illness.

DR. SARAH JORDAN (Jordan Hayes)
Helix 2013 set visit Jordan HaynesVirologist. Whip smart, ambitious, and calculated, yet incredibly naïve. A control freak at heart, Jordan excels at being able to construct highly controlled experiments and is quickly becoming one of the greatest viral pathologist of her time, but, for Jordan, her rise to notoriety isn’t happening fast enough.

Helix 2013 set visit Mark Ghanime 2A military engineer with a dark secret. A childhood surrounded by death while growing up in the favelas of Brazil led to an adulthood mired in black ops and clandestine missions.

DANIEL AEROV (Meegwun Fairbrother)
Helix 2013 set visit Meegwun FairbrotherHatake’s right-hand man and adopted son. Taciturn, guarded. He’s the very definition of a follower. Daniel is Hatake’s loyal retainer. This base and Hatake are all he’s ever known of the outside world or of family.

Dr. DOREEN BOYLE (Catherine Lemieux)
Helix 2013 set visit Catherine LemieuxAn accomplished veterinary pathologist, she has seen and heard just about everything. Some may think she’s a little rough around the edges but for Doreen, she sees it as well-voiced pragmatisms.

Helix 2013 set visit Neil NapierAlan’s brother. Charming and charismatic but flawed. Jealousy has been his ultimate downfall, particularly of his brother’s success. Then came Walker. We first meet Peter after he’s been infected by a deadly and mysterious virus.


Okay, everyone feeling slightly more prepped? Whatever else you do, don’t miss the SciFiMafia.com exclusive interview with series creator Cameron Porsandeh posted earlier this month, it’s stuffed full of great insider info.

Helix, starring Billy CampbellHiroyuki SanadaKyra ZagorskyMark GhaniméJordan HayesMeegwun FairbrotherCatherine Lemieux and Neil Napier, premieres Friday, January 10, 2014 at 10/9c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com