
New Featurettes for THE WALKING DEAD Look Back and Look Ahead

Season 2 of The Walking Dead reached its midpoint with a bang. Well, with a lot of bangs, including one pretty devastating one right there at the end. The first featurette we have for you is the cast’s views of what happened during that last episode before the break, and it’s entitled “Inside Episode 207 The Walking Dead: Pretty Much Dead Already”:

Sigh. Moving on: the second featurette, entitled “The Cast Looks Ahead: Inside The Walking Dead” has the cast discussing what’s to come in the second half of the second season:

“More drama, more blood, more gore, more everything.” Well okay then! We’ll be watching.

The Walking Dead returns for the second half of season two on Sunday, February 12 at 9/8c on AMC.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com