
New Extended Preview of NBC’s REVOLUTION Includes Elizabeth Mitchell

We told you last month about the casting of Elizabeth Mitchell, beloved Juliet from Lost, in NBC‘s new J.J. Abrams-produced series Revolution, and that she was replacing Andrea Roth, who played the part of Rachel Matheson in the pilot for the show. We also showed you the extended poster that included the lovely Ms. Mitchell. Now, we can actually show you tiny blips and clips of Ms. Mitchell, as NBC has released an extended preview.

Although they didn’t come through with their promised 6 minute extended preview during the Olympics coverage on Saturday night, NBC did air a less-extended preview last night, and we have it here. We didn’t expect this, but it looks like the pilot footage with Andrea Roth has actually been reshot with Elizabeth Mitchell:

Featurette: Revolution – Extended Preview

Don’t forget, as we also told you last month, that if you really can’t wait for the September 17 premiere, NBC will make it available to watch in its entirety two weeks in advance. Unfortunately, the dates that NBC provided in the press release were incorrect. We are presuming that the preview will be available on September 3, not September 13 as previously reported, on demand and online through cable, satellite and telco providers; NBC.com; NBC Owned and affiliate station websites (should they choose to opt in); Hulu (including Hulu’s online distribution partners); iTunes, Amazon and Xbox.

Update – NBC has just issued an amended press release about the advance availability of the pilot; it will be available on the platforms referenced from September 4 – September 17.

Revolution, starring Billy Burke, Tracy Spiridakos, Anna Lise Phillips, Zak Orth, Graham Rogers, JD Pardo, Giancarlo Esposito, David Lyons, Maria Howell, Daniella Alonso, Tim Guinee, and Elizabeth Mitchell, premieres Monday, September 17 at 10/9c on NBC.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com