
New Cast Member Announced for AMERICAN HORROR STORY: COVEN


One of the hallmarks of the bizarre and beloved American Horror Story is the return of cast members to the anthology series in new seasons and new roles. Today’s casting announcement, however, isn’t for a returning cast member, but rather a newbie to the American Horror Story family, and it came in the form of a tweet from showrunner Ryan Murphy:


AHSC Gabourey SidibeMs. Sidibe’s Oscar nomination was for her performance as the lead in 2009’s Precious. She joins Kathy Bates as a newbie to the American Horror Story world, while Jessica LangeSarah PaulsonLily RabeFrances ConroyEvan Peters, and Taissa Farmiga, have all been confirmed as returning to AHS for its next iteration, American Horror Story: Coven.

No more information yet on Ms. Sidibe’s character, or about any of them really, other than the fact that Jessica Lange will be playing a “glamour cat” and Kathy Bates will be “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs,” that the two of them will be “going at it” often, and that one of the several locations will be New Orleans, all according to Ryan Murphy. I CAN BARELY WAIT.

We will absolutely keep you posted.

American Horror Story: Coven, starring Jessica Lange, Kathy BatesSarah PaulsonLily RabeFrances ConroyEvan Peters, Gabourey Sidibe and Taissa Farmiga, is expected to premiere this fall on FX.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com